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Recently I spent a gorgeous evening in the company of celebrity chef Giorgio Locatelli learning about (and consuming lots of) Italian Grana Padano and Prosciutto di San Daniele. Both are iconic products of Italy and are utterly delicious. With produce of this quality you'd be hard pressed to make anything with them that wasn't amazing, but of all the dishes that I tried that evening, one stood out for me – some crispy little puffs of Grana Padano with slices of Proscuitto di San Daniele inside. It was simple but totally moreish and since the event I've badgered the PRs to share it with me. Here it is – DO try it and let me know how you get on!!

Grana Padano

Giorgio Locatelli's Grana Padano Puffs with slices of Proscuitto di San Daniele

SERVES 8 – 10


375g potatoes

375g flour

600ml water

18g salt

18g yeast

150g Grana Padano

6 slices of Prosciutto di San Daniele



  1. Peel and boil the potatoes, then mash them.
  2. Incorporate the flour, water, yeast and Grana Padano. Then add the salt, mixing until smooth.
  3. Drop a spoonful of the mixture at a time into the fryer and cook until a golden colour.
  4. Serve the Grana Padano puffs with thinly sliced Prosciutto di San Daniele.

Grana Padano